
Monday, September 15, 2014

Day 14: Writing shades of blue

I decided to go off the usual approach to writing today, I guess I decided to write not when the time was right but rather when the need arose. In deciding on today's topic I picked up on the bright sky outside, mixed with the notion of attaching colors to emotions and how the same colors have different meaning to different people. I was looking at a painting once at an Art Museum in Chicago as I stared into a piece which the painter had named on war, I found he painted the end of the war, the sky was faded into the central theme and even though the name suggested something different there was a calming sensation about that piece. I have spoken to a few friends over the past few days, some who have almost lost touch and some who have always been there as constant reminders like the shades of blue in our lives and hence I chose this topic, and the presence of randomness you should find in my writing today

Writing shades of blue
No I wasn't born black nor white, neither grey,
Neither made of stardust, neither forged out of clay
Neither dreamed out in the azure of the mind, neither sung in songs,
I was only a shade of blue, I was in between the many who knew only this shade as their own

No I didn't dream to write of fairy tales, of fictions that fills then mind and the heart,
Neither of races that men dream to win, while I sit comfortably refusing to even start
Veering on between blue eyes and the sky, between the many of blues that defines,
That have but spoken of many a stories, some that are kept secret and some that are hard to find

To shades of blue I write, to the gestures, and grand symphonies that are no longer compiled,
And yet I wait for the touch of those who transform, the simple things in not so simple times
No I wasn't conjured out of a dream, neither built nor shaped nor painted on the walls,
I was the opening of the summer breeze and the winds that blow past you as you welcome the fall

"I am glad to see people posting and writing back to me, I hope I can keep up with the need to write and communicate back, and I hope I still have something to give back, something to talk about in poetry that I write for you"

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