
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 5: In smiles that hide

The week ended with a warm Friday and the tired souls poured into cold glasses of beer at the nearest pub. And why not, when the day calls for some down time. Among the groups of people that share a drink and among the smiles I see little moments of escape from the routine of things. Little pieces of amusement between munching on the popcorn and little plans in action , and it was all hidden in the randomness. So I decided to write about the hidden smiles as suggested by a friend, in between these times.

In smiles that hide
Are you going by like yesterday, like yesteryear, like the time that is but memories,
Like the pieces of crumbled papers that lay on the door, I scratched one out as I sat down to write,
I fought with words as they crowd in my mind, in meanings I reach for, and in the words I confide

Are you like the smile that hides, that reminds of me cartoons on a Sunday afternoon,
That tells of a time that is puzzling everyday, and yet of puzzles that builds itself behind,
Beyond the things that hides in secrets still, and in between the times that comes to you and for me that flies

In the little spaces of my heart, my mind still finds you in the corners of your face,
In between every walk that I walk to you, between the miles and in every pace
Oh fear not the unknown my friend, we learn to grow but in steps and stride,
And all that I know and trust for now, is that you will always have a smile; one that you could never hide.

"I want you to share small moments of your life, things you want to be written about, let me give back in someway, let me write for you, leave me a topic to write about"

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