
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Day 24: Fridays my friend my foe

Most often if not always, the whole world comes to a tiny wee bit of celebration as the week closes, the routine ends and for once their colorful calendar no longer shows up as constant reminders on the phone. The IMU remains relatively empty and though you still find some restless souls wander across the halls and pathways, there is a sense of life simply pausing for a while. In between these moments as the week welcomes the weekend I find a sense of restless with this stationarity, and lack of routine. I find with people who can't comprehend Fridays as any different . Though I feel that short pauses are important in life, something about them doesn't seem to fall into place anymore. In between the chaos, the parties , the people my mind still finds a way to drift away. I write to you my Fridays , to the world you are a friend and for now you seem to be foe as friends keep reminding me of its presence.

Fridays my friend my foe
Do I change with the world outside, let go of restrains just for a while,
             Choose to be different and indifferent still and absorb the week that I leave behind
Fridays my friend my foe, my challenge, my remnants of the week,
        My absolution , in between times that I work, and the pauses you bring by the ones you seek

Talk to me from the edge of the table still, tell me tall tales of things that are no longer behind,
        Share a drink with me, walk with me, tell me things I don't want to listen to in time.
Find me in moments , I keep coming back over and over again,
        Till the definition of expecting something different, truly drives me insane

We are tethered often by events of the day, the week or simply time,
         For now I collect my belongings, and search between the remnants and pieces that are mine.
Weary eyed friend of mine, my foe from time to time,
         Why do you change names everyday of the week? when I need it , you are but so hard to find

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