
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Day 155: Short Poetries

The idea of writing poetry evolves further when you feel the need to approach people in an indirect way. When the most important things you want to say are not the obvious things and yet you want to convey what you feel. For whatever purpose they are written they are somehow things that translate and cross from the barrier between the imagination into reality. It is a complex process and also simultaneously easy in the minds of those who wish to write. The beauty of short poetry, the length and breadth of whatever it may say is the other half that is unknown and beautiful in it's own ways.

Short Poetries
To those who write in short poetries,
Who dream of a world full of summaries
Who write as though the world brings them surprise
They write music with its own reprise

In facts of the day which fades farewell
They have short stories that they have yet to tell
They are nostalgia of a different day
They are reminders of constant changes your way.

And for those who have much to find
Who have nothing lost or left behind
I hope you find solace in a journey as it unfolds
And my short stories sum up stories untold

To each his/her own short poetry
And a walk back home in quiet retreat
Find meaning in corners of your mind
Writing short poetries, just one at a time.

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