
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Day 171: Some Days

My friends have traveled today, and some of them still are in long journey on a plane and some bus rides and train rides alike. While some go to familiar places, some explore parts of the world they have never been to. The similarity though is the same need to travel, to create new memories or live out ones that we wish to create. Some days are like sweet nostalgia that we go back to many a times, for me personally perhaps, it is sharing cups of tea with old friends at their rooftops and not worrying about the day. I guess we have all sweetened memories over a period of time, we have let them sit and mellow and no matter where we are, some days are constant reminders of starting points and flash backs. Here's to those days, and the travelers on their journey, good luck and safe travels.

Some Days
Some days are all about going back
To places in our head, for a moment that we lack
We stole our place in time from time itself
We chose to be indifferent, chose to be ourselves

Some odd day when old memories are under repair
They will remind you with odd cups of tea on an old chair
And the glimpses of old friends seem to come & go
The things you don't need to remember, you simply know

Of course we are more than Facebook likes & tweets on a wall
Cushioned promises somewhere, we hope to break every fall
The prepaid cards at nights and long conversations to no end
Ice cream scoops we shared at the footsteps and with an old friend

I write to new beginnings sometimes, 
                                      some that don't always make sense
But they are better than choices we make some days, 
                                    the reasons we would rather pretend
Unsolved mysteries remain at the back of my head
Did we learn how to in time, or simply choose to forget?

Travelers on the shores, build again what you want to see
Sit on edges that simply dissolve & yet they leave reminders so free
We are all like sugar, we dissolve at the tip of our tongue
Some days may have gone by & yet in our mind they are always young.

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