
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day 168: Some Hopes

Some days are like opening a fortune cookie only to find something that may seem too obvious to miss. And as we neatly fold and sometimes keep that piece of paper with us, we reason and bargain with ourselves some hopes. I think I have seen this grow and fade among people around me. I have learned that our worst mistakes and best ones stay with us, but also help us grow from time to time. It is strange when we recall them, and every time it just feels a little different. I am hopeful of things, though there is always a random chance, a probability, I would like to believe that biases or chances do occur, and hence we keep these hopes. This one is dedicated to some of these hopes, the different kinds that inspire people to be who they are every single day.

Some Hopes
Sometimes the best kept secret in our heart
Is walking straight when we don't know where to start
Everyday starts out just the same , the doors close behind
I walk out and away from home, I claim this day as mine

Words that will hold meaning, will change again
We are in a constant rhapsody that drives us insane
Some hopes are about constant reminders of who we are
Of warm places in our heart, some memories locked in a jar

Our daily treading, our adventures still, guide us just so far
After all we were the ones asking to know, who we are
Some summer days when the day seems long
When you are tired between the pauses between your songs

We are kept on our toes, we are restless at best
We figure out things just a step at a time & leave the rest
Sometimes we just walk down steep slopes
We change what was needed and save ourselves some hopes

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