
Friday, July 17, 2015

Day 170: Entangled

Today's writing came as a lecture from a you tube video that a friend of mine had sent me earlier today. The idea of being entangled particles in the universe, so much so that if we change the state of one there are others that will change state too. Einstein referred to these as "Spooky actions at a distance". Though the theory is beautiful in their own way, it made me think about how entangled our actions are sometimes and not just with ourselves but with others. Are our memories real if they are different versions to different people, and are the little imperfections that which makes them special somehow. Hence this late evening writing as I head out for a cup of tea this late Friday, I may not be able to reach you in time today, but I hope my words do someway. My entangled mind for now writes.

Our lines of  sight keep calling sometimes
We are out of our comfort zones , out of known lines
Looking for a sunset, while sitting on the ground
We are walking quietly, with the whole world around

Entangled my thoughts this evening that survives
That lets me write of little things , the ones for which
                                                                             I strive
And though much may fall through between hours of the day
I write to those things that appear to be unchanged

Entangled your heart sometimes, sometimes your soul
And sometimes just your memories, they never seem to grow old
Do we remember the same things, or changes here & there?
We are entangled in shared nostalgia, in things that disappear

These lines on a tired Friday evening, far from a computer screen
Are to those who find meaning in the simple things that lay unseen
Entangled stories of many , for those whom I have written and I will always write
I leave you with a sense of wonder, a warm sunset and my entangled words tonight

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