
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Day 167: A little more

The toughest thing sometimes is not the actual writing, it is about knowing what to write about. It is about drawing from little moments, people and places and knowing what to summarize in just a few lines. I have often found myself lucky to be able to connect to people from all around the world, people from Italy, Spain, Morocco, Paris, Australia to name just a few. Amidst all of these experiences I share with people I have realized all we need is a little more. Some who have planned trips to new places, some who are looking for better places to make a mark and some who are simply just attracted to a change. This "little more" of who or what we are and situations and what guides what we get to be every single day, everywhere on the planet. And I write this to my friends, fellows, the beloved ones I come home to sometimes on a phone call or text messages alike. Just a little more is never too much to expect.

A little more
I wonder and wander early in the day
What a little more would look like, what would it say?
Will I change directions to find what I need?
Will I question myself at best and hope the world pays heed?

There are some who have believed that the world will change
Because they were never meant to be stuck in meanings between a page
Changes come just a little more, every single day
And there are those who have taken a chance & walked their ways.

A little more of who we are, and what we need to be
Is about letting ourselves know of the changes we make, and the ones we need
We are inspirations on hold, traveling the world today
We are story book pages glued together somehow, assembled from miles away.

Be someone who needs to know of the things that come,
Who takes control of things in their own way, too much has yet to be done
We may have been summaries of the things we needed before
But never be satisfied with just life, living is always asking for a little more

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