
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Day 182: Little Victories

Each day of the week while going through the cycles of things that may be right or wrong, that may speak to you or not, I am amazed at randomness I find in people. Some who will ask of things to be written down and some who in quiet moments will let your mind do it for you. There are constant reminders of kindness I sometimes find among people, random acts of familiarity that are often hard to define. As I finish half a year of poems today (182 of 365) , I write to the idea of these little victories. The meaningful adventures are the ones that you get to pick & choose, and it will come to you when you least expect it. For now I wish that we have many of these & some warm reminders of what we get to keep. We are writing from corners of the room some days where the spotlights don't hit & yet they will confide in you as thoughts come & go, these are still our little victories.

Little Victories
If the world decides tomorrow to catch up to me
Ask me questions about my motives by which I live
There will be more than one time in my memory
When I will celebrate my wins & little victories

I have written about things you may never see
Some that are lost in wake up calls & in between my sleep
And while I argued somehow with my mind
About things that in my poems are the ones you would find

Here's to every little thing that adds up someway
Small thoughts that are kept & stowed away
Random reminders of kindness that follow you home
And the little victories you get to have,even if just for now

Half a year's worth of poems have been written today
Some with no sell by date are kept somewhere in me head
No maps on some adventures, just words that guide me home
Sometimes just lyrics of a familiar song

From corners of the room some days where I might write
In anonymity still you will find that my words will confide
Some days I will write of what the world needs from me
My words will find meaning, as I find my little victories.

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