
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Day 275: Rusted Heart

The idea is simple, that once in a while we lose practice, to sing, to write and sometimes even to feel as passionately as we used to in time. Many tell me that this is a trait of growing up, getting ready to accept whatever it is that makes sense and learning to start from there. And though I let my mind do most of my thinking, I like to think that a part of my writing comes from where I feel, my heart. I have not been able to write the last few days and like all good things we all feel a bit rusty after losing touch. The rusted heart is my way of getting back to all that which I have missed and also write to those who have missed out on things, here's a call to you.

Rusted Heart
I come & go in writings as I please, without a call or need
I pass quietly in between, these moments that lay unseen
My rusted heart it composes music when the world sleeps
It fills pages of a scratch book with scribbles only I can read

My mind takes a pause, it feels the world just for a while
It comprehends all it can & then my heart decides to write
What gets to be on a canvas, on a story book only one page long
That starts & ends with just this much today, a few lines of my song

My rusted heart seems a bit out of practice for me
It plays so many tunes & yet untuned it refuses to find melody
Here's to you those who look for passion in time
Find something that is yours to keep, as memories remind

Dream with your eyes open & in the middle of the day
We are not far from imaginations that we get to create
I write this one to all of those, who are looking for a place to start
Just write again, write anew, write from your rusted heart

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