
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Day 289: Big & Small

Whether you move around a lot this christmas or whether you stay put right where you are. Whether you have a temporary change of address, your mood or even your heart. Whether you are unwrapping gifts or emotions alike I am hoping the meanings are just as special no matter what every single time. The big and small cities, and places, these memories that are formed indifferent from what time erases, they are told all around the year but felt only sometimes, thar you get to keep a sweet december as yours, I keep writing as though they are only mine. No matter where you are and how you have come about to be where you are, you are bound to find some hidden meaning just for yourself, your corner of the day, the length you travel your own way, in that little bit of snow.

Big & Small
I will tell you tales today from a place big and small
It is of warm houses that don't need to stand tall
They glow with roaring fire they spew out some heat
And into the madness is born hope that you cannot defeat

Of big and small emotions, writings that come from a place
They are original, your very best that even time can't erase
Come chase these addresses with me I got letters to post
I have decided to bring messages, the only ones I wrote

If I were to tell you that life will treat you the same
Just like it used to, the one of which you would dream
Just come true like miracles between christmas begins
And I still get to feel from my heart & under my skin

I will tell you of the big towns & little towns just alike
For they are all filled with stories, some that have survived
I write a new batch, fresh out just so you know
We are batches of warm cookies, you enjoy in winter snow

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