
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Day 279: Boldly Go

Chances are every class you have been to in a college has ended with an advice or a take home message. Something hopefully meaningful in some way or something that maybe recycled advice from life passed on for the next semester. Over this semester, I was a part of such an experience and when it came to my role as an instructor to dispense advice, I kept going back to whatever I was told. Was it to be a better student, was it to focus on one thing at a time or was it always to be inquisitive. No matter what the advice I am inclined to believe no one advice fits everyone so I would rather end with a writing. In the hope of keeping it light I hope the topic speaks, as you boldly go :)

Boldly Go
At the end of it all, go places where much has to be done
To be found in between pages of a book much has yet to be learned
Travel safe, travel fast and yet take these little things with you
Find curiosity everywhere, and somehow follow through

Every advice that was written on a folded napkin page
Ideas that were born out of squiggly lines that refused to age
While sorting through the right & wrong & decisions on your way
I wish you an adventure that is always there to stay

The traveller tonight, the test taker, the speakers of the class
The assignments due in the next 3 minutes are really your last
As unprepared the day maybe, the restless nights will lead
Boldy go wherever you want to be, and just to life pay heed.

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