
Monday, December 14, 2015

Day 284: You Are

I have been often asked about the "you" I write to and though I keep convincingly telling people that you refers to no one specific I like how people attach stories and ideas with them. "You are" is written to all who can relate to it today, who have inspired, been inspired or just broken some ways. Who have been loved, have loved or simply felt warm on a cold winter day. Who have questioned everything and yet somehow managed to have faith. You are written as poetry in a disguise of this prelude tonight, and the inspirations that resides on the corner of your mind. I leave you with this idea of "You" and the roles that may or may not apply, for now, I have much more to write from me, and for you. 

You Are
You are reasons I have written down, about troubled days just the same
Whether we get to keep a smile, I simply write to a day's remains
So you summarize and improvise, and try to predict the end of the game
The one we play every day, the one with odd hours and no name

You are confusions when priorities are needed from life; for now
But when most of all things, I know I need to give fair chances somehow
So I learn from my mistakes and I learn from some of yours too
Because I have to believe whether we won or lost, I followed through

You are fiction of the favorite kind, the one that writes by itself
Storybooks that are still unread, half written and yet found on the shelf
You are Shenandoah songs that we long to listen to on long drives
Yet you are text messaging a song when you wish to hear me live

You are unplanned on purpose, even if you are too tired of them
Feeling the cold wind on your face till your cheek turns slightly numb
I will remind you of the warmth because that is all I can give
While you steal ideas out of my head, and in my poems choose to live

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