
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day 281: Capricious Heart

The dictionary defines Capricious as given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior. Though I realize the meaning, I fail to understand if we are truly capricious if we decide to be such. A friend of mine once told me that we must all live with it, because it comes unannounced. So I write to the capricious heart I see but fail to ever have. I starve on words tonight, as I write to those who have such a phase. They get to be unpredictable in their own way, their planned nature to be unplanned seems perfect at times. Oh how I wish I could be capricious sometimes, unpredictable and lost in ways that are mine. But I fear my friend, I have become just familiar versions to you, but something to no end, not even worth a follow through.

Capricious Heart
Such is my writing, kept on pedestals sometimes
That a draft of wind blows it away, as it goes by
And I watch with wonder at these capricious hearts
Who are all but unpredictable & unaccounted for

I sit & wait at corners for decisions to be made
I wonder if we weighed our actions or did I make mistakes
For I no longer seem to account for the night that lies in bed
I am in a constant day dream for now as I lay awake

We spend hours at this, separating the right from what is wrong,
I keep wondering how we will be, while you choose where we belong
These decisions of the mind, the heart it stays so quiet & still
As though it has said it all, so it stays silent out of it's own free will

Such is my fate, my bounded self, such things that I cannot define
They were always yours to begin with, I just kept them close as though mine
My predictable self refuses to tell me its plan, it writes of it's own part
While you get to keep that which comforts you, in your capricious heart

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