
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Day 277: Set Free

Sometimes the easiest things to capture are inspiration set free. That are bounded and yet unbound, that are like ink stains on the book I once read, the cheap ink it washes away and my cold hand they try to write again, but it can't seem to write the same. So I look for warmth, I look for Sunshine where there is much and the captured words of a storyteller that refused to leave his mind. The journey from my mind to this page, this paper, and an untimed age. They are the best and worst pieces they are reminders of the best of you and me, somehow in my mind, unchained and set free. Find that which lets you be, the strength you need in the hours of the day, the meanings you capture, they never left, never got away.

Set Free
I stray quietly, in these sketches that are word
That are unchained & untamed like the edges of a sword
They wield great power and beauty some nights
They are the wishes of a long day a restless night's fight

Set free your heart, your soul, set free your music as it can be
You are written like the droplet that remains on the morning grass & tree
Like the last minutes of the day, like the last glimmer of you
Stay unchanged, unbridled like time captures in whatever way but true

Breath a gust of wind that gives you life, fill your lungs with hope
Your thoughts are uncaptured, they take wings as they fly, they elope
Hold my hand as I write to you, stay but only as a faint scent that never fades
In the sunset, I find inspiration that even time cannot seem to age

Listen to the loudest music tonight, that plays in the back of your head
For much has to be written about dreams that are to be dreamt of in bed
Sleep the grand sleep that is kept but like a treasure, let your closed eyes be
And in the sunrise tomorrow, become the best of yourself, set free.

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