
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Day 294: Forget me Not

It is a simple idea that we are inclined to leave behind legacies and sometimes we live in those. They may be about moments sometimes, about memories we live in and choose not to forget. For some, this is a choice whether we get to forget certain things and we adapt to this need that life has to remember only certain things. So forget me not when the times don't need me, when it is warm outside or when things are perfect, forget me not when you are happy about things that come simply to you. Such is the nature of things, for now. I give you this much, memories are what they have been I write to all of those who feel they have been lost, you are not forgotten, you will always be sought. You are a little bit of blue painted on the side of the sky.

Forget me Not
So they say that we leave & live behind in legacies
Some thoughts that got away or were intentionally set free
That are planned for so that they are remembered in time
Far beyond myriads of the day and in desperate need of a rhyme

Forget me not my lover, my friend, my mentor whatever you may
For we have conversations on hold and I have much more to say
We have incompletes that need work & stories we must write
We have the world to take together, it is only us for the fight

Come write of truth more true than what imagination can hold
Listen for the quiet things; for now, things that are yet to be told
Forget me not when the old jackets of books are dusted and stacked
I am the inscription on the first page, I am inspiration in what we had

This is all I ask; for now, dream of things ahead but forget me not
As time changes by and rearrange, let me be a part of memories you sought
So they say that the constant things in life is the fact that things change
Forget me not, for we will in memories stay like night & this day

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