
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Day 282: Can Somebody

Can somebody write the prelude that will make sense of it all, that are not reminders of old things long gone, I leave you with just this much, this line , can somebody help me find whatever I have lost or left behind.

Can Somebody
Can somebody in their free time, help me out
Leave whatever they are doing and hear my shout
Can somebody on the outside of my mind
Show me a way, that for now, seems impossible to find

Can somebody look at the remains, put the puzzles back
I will leave you at it, for now, this is all that I had
Comfort finds spaces in between minutes that it can steal
As I wrap myself with just time, not a moment I will reveal

Can somebody at the middle or end of this day
Take my heavy heart as I let it slowly refrigerate
Can someone share with me a little bit of warmth
Just a little piece of quiet in my mind, a little of their calm

Come write this one for me if you can,
I am having a hard time, being myself & as a good man
Can somebody for a little bit, just talk with no agenda today
Just help me write the last line of a somewhat lost day

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