
Monday, August 3, 2015

Day 186: In the Making

The idea of being "In the Making" is far from meaning unfinished, sometimes it is about refining, about working with this need to be better that whatever we are at this point. While a lot of us will keep working on these incessantly, for a few they want to recreate themselves from scratch at times, define themselves when there is no need for one. While I sat at the balcony watching an almost perfect sky I realized even nature gets to revisit and recreate sometimes, we are paintings in the clouds sometimes , we are in the making. I find comfort in this idea because it gives us time to follow things through, read everything that comes our way & sometime get to make things true. "In the Making" is an exploration of not just the unfinished, but the part of us that we keep working on from time to time, as for now I share near perfect sunrise & sunsets with you from my balcony.

In the Making
I am thunder in the making
I am prelude to rain
I am clouds that fill the skies
I am paintings some days
                   not painted in vain

I am drawn from your balcony
In quiet winds that shift the skies
Which talk through rustlings of leaves
They are languages that are hard to transcribe

I am written about in nature's best
I am far from perfect symmetry
I am not worried about finding the rest
For now all I can find is the best of me

I am hail storms on glass windows on summer days
I am restless as the sound fades
As I sit by the balcony and watch hours fly by
I am memories that even time cannot erase

I am justified in being quiet some days
Some days are meant for the taking
I am not unfinished, just imperfect someways
In footsteps, I trace myself "in the making"

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