
Friday, August 21, 2015

Day 204: Foundations

As the week ends today, I like the idea of finding solid ground. About having a decent sense of nervous beginnings to the next week and expecting things to be different. Between these moments and thoughts that escape you we are tempted to find our foundations. Our simple standing ground, our blue prints and maps alike and sometimes. We create great things when we find our comfort zones and these foundations, and we end up building more than homes, we are building trust, relationships and friendships undefined. Some of my writings dwell in this dual meaning of the role of words and I can't help but notice a similar relationship that I explore in this one. For now let me write to finding foundations, as we end and begin something new. Let us write just me and you and build foundations from scratch, as something new.

Let me tell you of all the places where we stand
The way we move the world around just holding hands
Some days are about finding foundations on the ground
About setting the world on mute, till silence is the only sound

Let me write to you about plans that we made
Some we got to execute and some that got away
And the blue prints that remains folded in our mind
Are part of our walks & our memories to find.

Some roads outside my window today
Are drenches in the summer rain
And as the sunlight in so many shades
Washes down the day's remains

Let me tell you of foundations to find
When you are looking for one to stand beside
Your comfort food, tables and chairs
When things have not been misplaced in despair

Find solid grounds where you rarely look
The roads you often thought you mistook
The music that you slowly hum
Are reminders of what you have become

We will build more than just homes
For now, as we build; foundations of our own

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