
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Day 194: Planning Inspiration

A few days ago a friend of mine told me "you cannot plan inspiration", the idea being that these things are momentary and come and go as they please. Though the central idea is absolutely true, I like to believe that inspirations aren't all about grand moments but are sometimes cumulative that are combined from the way in which we build our day. In the wee hours of the night as I write, I am inclined to think that planned inspirations are about everyday challenges and the little things in life. Though my friend may be right about the rarity of these moments,I would like to believe that we still get to play out these moments when inspiration hits us, what we do sometimes is who we are and how we are defined. So here's to planning inspiration in our lives, and doing the things that are hard to sometimes find.

Planning Inspiration
Just yesterday when it all fit into a plan
When you knew how it ended before it all began
Planned inspirations that take over your mind
They are directions that a traveler leaves behind

You cannot plan inspiration they say
It comes as it wishes, whenever it may
Beyond need of translations from the undefined
Just footsteps & remnants that you hope to find

We are unplanned most days, building days from scratch
Working from past molds of days that would match
Inspired writings kept on loose sheets in your head
Hoping to find stamps and a mailing address

Planned or unplanned, till the pieces we write
Holds meanings that are close & never kept aside
We are classics read in between the hours we steal
We are stories untold, the ones we haven't revealed

Scratches on the surface of many days
From hours that have gone by & slipped away
I plan for inspiration everyday in poetry
With the help of unplanned bits & pieces of my mind & me.

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