
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Day 195: If not, Why not

It was a simple question, and like many simple questions the answer was never easy. I was at a meeting of minds yesterday if you will, people from so many fields and domains of interest, from cultures and sub cultures,and from story telling to languages. In between the routine that we follow, it makes you keep coming back to how much more we have to learn and though many may not find a reason for it, I ask myself if not then why not? Though I am not sure as to why we learn, I think my need to do just that seems to only grow as time passes why. I am surrounded by people sometimes who ask me about the things I explore, and I tell them the same "If not, Why not?"

If not, Why not
I learn while walking back between the city light
A fast moving day, follows a slow moving night
Or whether it is the other way around
Evenings follows the morning, without a sound

In between learning everything we can,
I often find myself, away from places I began
In between subjects I learn & the ones I explore
Some that are open books &
           some are sneak peeks behind closed doors.

If not then why not, I ask some days
What have we to lose apart from today
We are endless in thoughts, we write without fear
Without second thoughts in our mind, that we may hold dear

Our meetings with people, our familiar strangers in life
Who have taught us just a little bit more with every stride
With moments that we plan, or leave unplanned some days
We have found new things to learn our own ways

I am relentless sometimes, even about things I didn't know I sought
When I write to the world & when a few ask why, I say "If not, Why not"

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