
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day 201: Some Places

It is funny where you stumble onto when you don't plan for things, sometimes the best journeys begins with the feeling of being lost. It is in these moments while you rediscover these places, you find walks you would never take, writing along things you wouldn't have thought about. Sometimes these places are found on the rides itself, in spaces of your mind and heart. I find them in between strangers from whom I learn, in writings I would have never written, reading and listening to those who have gone so far. Some places are about finding ground, and are best known in the secrecy that it captured in travels we make. For now these places in my mind, my very own words and these writings are all I can find.

Some Places
In some places far away
Where my words don't know of things to say
When simple things, are writings I cannot decline
Ones that fills pages and fills my mind

We were living in shadows we had cast aside
A world for the taking, we will win this fight
We paint with words & write with colors sometimes
A canvas which fills itself with the night.

Take a step back as you move ahead
Letting go is easy & yet it is easy to remember but hard to forget
It may seem like a story tale written long ago
In places we don't visit anymore & yet yearn to go

My stage is set, are we ready to perform?
We came unprepared sometimes against the norm
In some places where I have found a place to stand
My words will keep coming back, to hold hands

We were worried about places to stand
In my writing from some places, I am what I am.

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