
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Day 198: Belong

I think one of the greatest comforts we have is the sense of belonging to someplace, to something and sometimes even to ourselves. These connections, directions and fixed markers in our lives change only with time but they are existent somewhere or the other. Today's poetry is actually explorations from a chapter I was reading, it was a random piece I found about this nature of the central figure belonging somewhere. The tone of this poem is set heavy because it comes as reminders that we are still looking for these places, these markers. They are not darker in anyway, we have fallen for people and left imprints on their mind and in our memories some of these things have been left behind. As we find familiarity I hope we find a sense to which we belong.

When the day fades just a little at a time
When I have changed every definition of what I call mine
The one that you found, the one I used to be
Are fragments of your imagination, that was set free

When the letters have all been written & posted home
Without knowing how or even where you yourself belonged
When the lenses on my cameras can't change what I see
Just bits and pieces of my time trapped somewhere in memories.

Find out places least traveled & yet where you belong
Among those who have refused to simply follow along
Where you have left a mark in hearts ones that you hide
Among the things that have always been on your side

You have fallen at times & others have fallen for you
Among the friends you found and the ones you barely knew
I am carried sometimes from places so strong
Just looking out for road maps in places where I belong

I am imprints on the walls and on the sandy shores I walk
I can reach you only in words, and so in poetry I talk

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