
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Day 199: Begin Again

The starting of a new week is important and though I can argue the week begins tomorrow, I decide to stick to a more simpler thought process trying to understand this recurrence, this building up of things as we begin again. As the rain pours outside a dim Sunday afternoon and the new week comes closer every hour I am grasped by to do lists, requests and dreams I cannot always seem to remember. The idea of starting from a anew is lucrative, it gives you just a little bit of leverage to combine hope and chances you put along with a lot of efforts. As the new semester, new weeks keep coming to many around, I wish we begin again somewhere, somehow waiting to be found.

Begin Again
Take a step as you begin again
Come back to things that remain unchanged
We are chained memories kept close to the heart
Second chances for someone waiting to hit restart

Begin again with just a little hope
As your troubles disappear, in time they elope
Dream like dreamers with no boundaries today
You get to start where you left off, yesterday.

Some rainy days you feel indoors, some closed ones you unlock
Some footsteps outside so many doors as I hear you knock
Chanced beginnings of a week, Sunday afternoon your way
Are mellow writings kept in my mind, which decided to get away

From time to time as you make a choice, I hope you never give up
You are time that I write about and sometimes pour into a cup
You are diary pages that smell so fresh, with no words thought about
Unwritten, unheard of things sometimes, whispered in a shout

There is always much more, than dreams I remember & some that remain
As day dreamers & writers alike we start from scratch & begin again.

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