
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day 297: Call me a Stranger

Sometimes our fondest memories are random ones, they are about conversations that were not relevant to anything. They were about things that you might have easily forgotten but somehow stuck behind. Call me a stranger but sometimes the best conversations are with people you know and somehow you can't recollect. Call me a stranger; for now, someone who you talk to and write to and yet whose name you do not know. Someone who finds the best part about a conversation is about finding a common ground to connect. I find myself a stranger and surrounded by a few, but these are the familiar ones I talk to every single day, & yet they are never too new.

Call me a Stranger
Tell me that we are still capable of simple things
We know how to start from scratch, where it all begins
Invite me to just a cup of tea; if that's okay
Let me know you just a little bit more, as you find out my name

Come call me a stranger and yet pick me out of a line
Tell me I am without instructions and sometimes hard to find
You have lost letters in the mailbox, or maybe posted one without an address
So it keeps coming back to you, as my name you try to guess

Call me a stranger, you might have never known before
Just let me be home when you finally knock on the door
I am in the dark while you look for the light switch
Making up stories with a candle light hoping for a glitch

I have forgotten how to walk barefoot or maybe climb a tree
But I have left some clues behind, back to being just "me"
I am familiar to you by now, I intentionally leave things behind
Call me a stranger for now; someone who for now borrows your time

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