
Friday, January 1, 2016

Day 296: Auctioneer of Memories

Would you be surprised if I told you that there are over 428 million results if you look for memories? Everyone likes to begin a new year with a resolve, it doesn't have to be something you declare, it doesn't even have to be declared to yourself. For many of us, these are small things we want to change about our life or situations we face. For a lot of people, this time, is also about transitioning, it is about forgetting something painful or letting go of something that you have held onto for a long time. For me this idea of keeping memories in capsules, time slots always seemed amusing. So I wondered what it would be if we could auction away some of our memories, and my auctioneer would be myself. As we get rid of the few selected pieces and make room for now, would you somehow keep only the happy ones behind, would you let go of something that doesn't fit. I guess this will always be a question for me, if I could would I be the auctioneer of memories. I leave you with your resolves, the ones I hope you get to keep. With inspiration unbound and unmatched and with hopeful nature of making new stories as we go along.  Make a list of things and keep collecting.

Auctioneer of Memories
This is to you where ever you are and where ever you may be
You are keeper of things once lost & auctioneer of my memories
My secrets, my expectations, my hopes that are set free
I wish this year goodbye and yet I keep hoping you are still with me

You are just me placed in a different time
Words that follow my thoughts, just a little behind
I escape disappointment as the calendar changes a page
For now, I only accept that it is time that has aged

My auctioneer of memories, pick them carefully from the lot
These are the very best of me, the only ones I have got
I will make new ones; for now, I will collect time as my year's resolve
I will break them and make them, these puzzles that I solve

I take them one at a time, things I have done & ones I need to do
So I write from a heartfelt place, hoping somehow it reaches out to you
At the end of things or new beginnings, I am overcome by time & its ecstasy
Carry me home with you, my storyteller & auctioneer of my own memories.

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