
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day 310: Unfinished Coffee

Sometimes it is the expectation of something that builds in your mind, it is like looking at a painting that has not been started yet and knowing the outlines. For me describing warmth and food are similar and such is the story of this "affogato-al-caffe". This is Italian coffee with ice cream and as delicious as that may sound we are in the habit of visualizing it first. As I decided to come back another day for a warm cup of the same and enjoying coffee with ice cream I kept going back to the places we come from in our mind. How we learn to claim some things from life and others we let sit in the coffee and melt and yet it is in the taste that I was told I would taste, which is bliss. For now, I write to an unfinished coffee I wish to claim some other day

Unfinished Coffee
The coffee grounds they lay somewhere on the floor
As I walked in on a cold winter day through the door
I make the best & worst of these times that are unplanned
Time that slips away somehow from my numb hands

We are shots of warm coffee poured into a cup
Reminders that we keep moving, that we have not given up
As I keep writing answering questions to my test
I keep learning just bit by bit and anticipate the rest

I am comforted by the warm handles that I hold
They are reminders of things we find as familiarity unfolds
We write with just this much hope that somewhere they are read
Whether you are waking up just now or putting yourself to bed

Those who have shared their time with others today
Just know you have brushed against some thoughts, someway
In the morning hours that come and collect in my hourglass
I will drink my unfinished coffee, as time will slowly pass.

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