
Friday, January 22, 2016

Day 312: Half Ways

There is a time when all you need to know even if for a little while is that you are half way done or getting somewhere with whatever you are doing. The moment we know we are going somewhere with things. I know of so many who want to know just that little bit to be true. In between all the careful planning and the unplanned nature of things, in between all the unfolding of the half baked, it is the unfinished things which is most attractive and seductive in time. Here's hoping we meet inspiration half ways.

Half Ways
I am wondering where we write from here, somewhere
Are we looking to reach you soon, are we half way there?
Can you hear my footsteps right now? Am I too loud
Why do I keep whispering in between all those who shout?

Am I am missing out on too much or staying just the same?
Just looking at meetings that have been slightly delayed
So I decide to write in between the free times that I find
I am catching up on the more important things that I left behind

Halfway there I have chosen not to plan
I am flavored just with time & served as I am
True to so few and yet I try to keep some things true
I am written down bit by bit, as do I capture you

Here's to the many wishes we wish for, things we ask
And a little warmth that I hope I can pour from my flask
Things that are in progress but almost half done
I keep writing from the edge of my seat, I feel I have barely begun

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