
Friday, January 8, 2016

Day 301: My Ghost

In the inspired moments, the inspirations sometimes have a mind of their own. They are about not about being able to decide on what these writings are going to be but what they become as we start to write. These inspirations are similar to a concept called ghosts in machines where you can't explain an outcome entirely by something that is planned. There are moments of inspiration that guides these, they are whimsy and even surprise that you can't explain. I call them "my ghost", that are essentially thoughts that are set free, that travel and traverse these vast spaces even without me.

My Ghost
Days and nights that seem to disappear
Come together to count as a passing year
Some hours that I can feel as they flee
They are there invisible, for you and me

My Ghost seems to have a mind of its own
A reason to be out in the open & among the unknown
It doesn't even cast a shadow when it stands in the sun
You won't notice when and where it had begun

It is inspiration set free; chasing feats of its own
Moments that don't fit in an hour glass, they have outgrown
As the cold winter night puts me to sleep
In dreams and thoughts, my ghost finds memories to keep

People come and people go, they leave traces for now
That are found in writings & sketches on sides of walls somehow
My unplanned beginnings, as they come and go
It is in the inspired moment that the storyteller finds my ghost

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