
Friday, January 15, 2016

Day 306: White Noise

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to write honestly. To be vulnerable enough to capture your deepest thoughts and feelings and keep it out in the open. And though we are used to writing every day, somehow we change bits and pieces of it. As I walk through the door into my studio apartment, I see the papers that sometimes lay on my floor, the blanket folded some days or maybe not. I close the window I leave open for the house to have some fresh air and then I sit down on the round table while I start making tea. For me making tea is an elaborate affair not just because I like it but because I feel it is more comforting when I know I have poured out just a little bit of happiness. As the tired cup of tea, some days brews long for me I put a timer to remind me, lest it gets bitter over time. I switch on the tv as it rambles on and I wonder if we are just used to the idea of finding a company in the noise. Finding a friend in the arbitrary presence of voices in our rooms. These white noise or any other noise alike as they may I write to them today.

White Noise
I am but one part of tempered glass
Hard to the world, so that you know I will last
And though you may not be here, but you remain
As I fit on every roof sill and some window panes

I am in the company of the white noise around
Though it may seem lonely it is not a lonely sound
It is just cozy to hear these familiar voices sometimes
To sharing even a few laughs with a glass of wine

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to honestly write
Pour out everything you got & put up your best fight
For men may come & men may go without a trace
As we work hard to make things that time cannot erase

As I switched on the TV and the sound filled my room
I was amongst the familiar now and yet those unknown
For I have thought about this, about choices & our choice
For now, I am but warm on a cold winter day surrounded
                                                                    by white noise

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