
Monday, January 4, 2016

Day 299: Here we Are

Here we are looking at the last minutes of the day, these arbitrary 20 minutes, for now, will end too and for those who have a few hours left write again my friend, just write a few. We are homemade tonics of the heart, we are repair shops radio stations that play on full volume as you fix something. Whatever we need it to be, here we are with the very best of it. In the things that close ranks with the day, these last 4 minutes seemed to have something to say while I wrote to every single thought that passes by. So here we are, writing tonight.

Here we Are
Here we are till the heavens turn red
Writing our heart out laying wide awake in bed
Creating but from nothing but thin air
In a lonely world, we are looking for rhymes & pair

Quiet down as the night she sleeps, the lights they switch off
The burnt smell of candle wax but drips from the trough
The dreams are winning; for now, they are taking over the mind
Invisible, they are the hardest to keep; they leave no memory behind

Here we are, we are writing off and from one another
Unchanged pieces in time that we don't let this winter bother
And as we clutch to a warm cup of coffee or tea
We are reminded of warmth in bitter-sweet companies

These heavy doors of my room, they seal out the outside
So I can capture that which may escape while my thoughts I write
Some will say we are minutes of the day finding escape
So here we are piecing back puzzles we can't solve with duct tape

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