
Saturday, January 16, 2016

Day 307: Dances we Dance

Simple thing about dancing is that it is expressive without much planning, it is spontaneous and is often born out of the need of the moment. As I sat there participating and watching others dance I kept looking at the rhythm change and the footsteps that were random somehow formed patterns. There are experiences that are shared among those who perform and those who watch and I think for me this was such an experience that came even in the late hours of the night. I see love, warmth and a feeling of being close in those moments we all share, no matter which dances we dance here's an ode to them today.

Dances we Dance
Here's an ode to the dances we dance
Are we following the rhythm or is it just sheer chance?
These nights that don't close they keep going on
As we return home, right back to places we had begun

Here's to all the steps, to the twist and twirls
To the holding of hands as you feel the world swirl
While some say, why bother they are temporary as they come & go
I feel the need to go back to them more and more

These dances that we dance some nights we learn as we watch
These hours that fade away,we cast a net in hope of a catch
I see lovers dance and then friends alike hand in hand
They come bundled together in time & slowly the night disbands

Here's a call to those who play a tune of the heart & mind
Who are out in the open among us & yet they are hard to find
As I watch a few unbound and free on the dance floor
I think of the dances we dance and for whom & what they are for

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