
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Day 300: Marked as Read

As I neatly arranged my appointments for the day I kept wondering if we are in the habit of checking them as to do lists. Even without the appointments these are the few hours that pass like emails you have marked as read.  There are some things that leave impressions and some that have just faded. As I write the 300th piece today I keep wondering about counts and some that don't matter sometime. For much adds on to the human experience and as I keep writing I learn from all of these folds that forms something beautiful, I share this one with you in the hope that they are read just the same too.

Marked as Read
So I clicked select and had them all marked as read
I wondered if I had marked them as I wrote somewhere in my head
They are just number sometimes, just counts of things well kept
Dreams we don't remember or can't return even if we might have overslept

The to do list on the fridge or somewhere taped to your desk
The things that need attention , the thoughts that are never at rest
They have climbed onto paper and into poetry that I write
These paper swans that on some odd days seem to simply come alive

I am protecting these windows from the draft that blows
The sunshine or cold wind or whatever you need, for now I don't know
I am forging bridges that connect us, to warm places for now
I am sharing a park bench with you as my thoughts take a bow

Marked as read and neatly tucked safe and sound
These incompletes that don't seem to bother us for now
They will be dealt with as the tired ones, they head to bed
As I capture my hours that pass and mark them as read.

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