
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Day 314: Wrinkled Inspiration

Some will tell you that inspiration strikes you at random times, times when you least expect it. While brushing your teeth, waking up from sleep and even staring outside your window waiting for it to defrost because you forgot to turn on the heater. These people are right, inspiration is just that random whether it is squeezed in between the time frame it take to write a few lines or whether you have to wait till the end of the book. We are catching up to these moments and for some reason, I am forced to believe that sometimes inspiration catches up to us. For the very best of these are ones that may change a thought in your mind as you fold laundry on a Sunday afternoon. Who am I to figure it out, after all, I am the one folding laundry and writing this in between.

Wrinkled Inspiration
So that I don't wrinkle the things I have owned
I check things again & again, every corner & fold
I have folded them & tucked them safely away
Where ever I had hoped that my memories would stay

These moments of inspiration finds joy in my greatest escape
They are rattled by nothing, not even on a long empty page
They sit with you and stand outside your closed door
They knock once, then twice, and then they are not there anymore

They are sometimes found in the inscription on the first page
I write them in the hope that meaning will never age
Unedited, uncut they are the best and worst versions of time
They are imperfections we love, they are beautiful& unrefined

My wrinkled inspiration on my jacket pocket finds a home
As I write sitting on a wooden chair, staring at my phone
These things that you feel and wear them on your sleeve
You leave me with stitches in life & memories to weave

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