
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Day 305: My Flipbook

Maybe the only address we have, are the ones we fondly remember, hence we selectively choose to remember directions to some places we keep coming back to again and again. They are like flipbook pages consisting of snapshots of our life that we flip through and as they stitch together they form these fond memories we get to keep. I am fascinated with the idea of leaving a few of these flipbooks behind in between the spaces of someone else's mind. These pictures in our head leave impressions for others to find, so I leave you my flipbook so that you can hit pause and rewind.

My Flipbook
You are searching for the incredible in the everyday
Taking snapshots of life that manages to get away
Yet you don't lose hope you point the lens sometimes
As I try to be myself, knowing these pictures are all mine

My flipbook pages come together in these shots
Where I have gained much in between the things I lost
Black and white pictures lay loose pages at best
I stitch them together, I lie still as you flip through the rest

I will be in and out of frames, some that seem to move
I have borrowed some time if only to pick and choose
You are looking for the right light to hit at the right time
But you keep moving away and as do I

Somethings they change, without any reason at best
As for now these writings seem to perfectly fit on a page
As I follow myself to a brave new world, I will look back to sneak
While you turn over a page in the silly flipbook which I leave

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